Righton Retinomax Series 5 + Keratometry
The Retinomax Series 5, the World’s Leading Handheld Refractor and Keratometer
View Finder
With view finder observation, no limit of operator age. Diopter adjustable range is +/-8D . View finder arm angle is changeable of 0-135 degrees, making measurement easy regardless of patient’s position or posture. Adjustable diopter +/- 8D.
Automatic Axis Compensation and extended measurement range
Not only does the device let examiner know the cylinder axis angle, but it can also be automatically adjusted if it is not level.
New Child Mode
While the measurement is being taken, a melody plays continually to keep children’s attention. A constantly changing color display, both on the outside and inside of the device, also keeps children involved during the process.
SPEEDY-K2 Auto Refractometer/Keratometer original retinoscopy measurement principle achieves extremely fast auto REF/KER measurement Measurement speed is 30% faster than the Speedy-i/K.
(REF: 125 ms/7 times, KER: 260 ms/1 time) Measurement begins immediately after alignment.
In addition to KER/REF continuous measurement, auto and continuous peripheral kerato measurement are also conducted. The pupil distance is automatically detected. Each measurement can not only be manually operated, but also set to start by a single joystick operation for high-speed measurement.
NEW! Selective fogging method In addition to normal fogging, more precise fogging is possible by selecting A2 using the measurement mode key. This kind of fogging is useful for reading the eyes of patients with unstable eyes etc.
SPEEDY-i Auto Refractometer/Keratometer
Now With A Revolutionary Accommodative Testing Feature
Patients commonly complain of asthenopia, but until now, there was no easy or reliable way to test for dynamic accommodative lag. With the new Speedy i/k, accommodative accuracy is measured with a novel methodology that allows you to understand the source of your patient symptoms, as well as quantitatively adjust your prescription.
314 North 6th Street, West Memphis, AR 72301 | (870) 735-0604 | | twom@swbell.net
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